What is the Silence the Shame Internship Program?
The Silence the Shame Internship Program introduces students to the important role we play in educating communities on mental health and wellness. Interns gain practical experience through projects, special assignments, or research that support federal, state, and community-based programs, policies, and best practices in mental health education.

Academic Credit
You may be eligible to receive academic credit for your participation in this program. However, credits are determined and awarded by each university. You are responsible for arranging any academic credit through your college or university. Silence the Shame is also willing to work with those who may have practicum or fieldwork requirements. You should discuss arrangements with your institution, prior to starting the program and let Silence the Shame know the specific requirements of your university.
How to Apply
To apply, please send your cover letter and resume info@silencetheshame.com. Pease include internship title in the subject line.