About the Campaign

 "Redefine Mental Wellness," follows the stories of young adults as they navigate through challenging thoughts and emotions. In the face of negativity, these individuals learn to reframe their mindset, replacing self-doubt with positive self-talk. Through their journey, they also realize the importance of reaching out to family for support when facing mental health challenges.

The overarching message of the PSA is to break the stigma around mental illness. By showcasing the courage and strength it takes to seek help and open up about struggles, the campaign aims to encourage dialogue and promote a more understanding and accepting society.

Join us in the movement to redefine mental wellness and create a more inclusive and supportive community for those facing mental health challenges. Together, we can break the stigma and foster a culture of openness and compassion.

Here's How You Can Prioritize Your Mental Health


Looking for resources? Click the pictures below to access information, conversations and more surrounding mental health and wellness.

Ways to Get Involved